• WordPress 2.7 Beta 1

    I’ve just updated this blog to WordPress 2.7 Beta 1. You may not see much of a difference as a […]

  • Me and My Boss Joke

    A funny office employee and the boss’s joke for the weekend. Disclaimer: I’m not the author of this joke & […]

  • Microsoft new SecondLight Technology

    At recent Microsoft PDC (Professional Developers Conference) in L.A, Microsoft researchers demonstrated a variation of Microsoft Surface technology, called SecondLight. […]

  • Google steps in to support OpenID

    Currently, OpenID supports these login accounts: AOL (openid.aol.com/screenname) Google Blogger (blogname.blogspot.com) Flickr (www.flickr.com/photos/username) LiveDoor (profile.livedoor.com/username) LiveJournal (username.livejournal.com) Orange – France […]

  • Free Adobe Illustrator License key

    Bastillwork.net is at it again! This time, Bastillwork’s contest is giving 3 Adobe Illustrator CS3 License keys away to the […]

  • Call of Duty 5 Beta open for registration!

    Call of Duty fans, come and get your multiplayer beta keys for the upcoming Call of Duty 5: World at […]

  • A compilation of best wallpapers

    Just want to share another great wallpaper site (that compiles some of the best wallpapers on the net) : The […]

  • Hello Kitty MMORPG??

    Just found out about this today: A new WOW:World of Warcraft and Warhammer Online killer enters the market: Hello Kitty […]

  • Google’s holy matrimony

    Google’s holy matrimony

    Just found out on Google AdSense official blog, that they are rolling a “marriage” between Google AdSense and Google Analytics. […]

  • Sick leave faker caught on Facebook

    This is a true event happening in a telecommunication company (AAPT) in Sydney, Australia. Kyle Doyle, an employee of AAPT, […]

  • Get a Microsoft TechNet Polo Shirt

    The TechNet Australia Blog from the Microsoft TechNet team in Australia has a Polo shirt to give away. The requirement […]

  • My first payment from ASE Adnet

    Today, I got my first payment from ASE Adnet, a CPC program that I joined back in July this year. […]